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Health Checkup


“I create my own path and walk it with joy."


Acupuncture treatment is new to a lot of people. If you are hesitant, I encourage you to have an open mind and ask questions. The following questions are what I am asked most often by new clients:  


A lot of research has been done about acupuncture. More and more is conducted all the time as it has become a more popular and mainstream therapy treatment in the Western world. Interesting findings include the following: 


According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, 51% of medical doctors understand the efficacy and value of acupuncture, and medical doctors refer patients to acupuncturists more than any other alternative care provider. 


A German study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2007 covered the largest and most rigorous trial ever undertaken to investigate the analgesic effects of acupuncture versus traditional medical approaches to relieve lower back pain. This study involved 1,802 patients and 13,475 treatments and concluded that acupuncture “constituted a strong treatment alternative to multimodal conventional therapy, giving physicians a promising and effective treatment option for chronic lower back pain,” 


In addition to its effectiveness in pain control, acupuncture has a proven track record of treating a variety of endocrine, circulatory and systemic conditions. 


The British Medical Journal in 2008 reported that acupuncture can increase the success rate of in-vitro fertilization and increase the number of viable pregnancies. The additional benefits were listed as a reduction in nausea and muscle pain associated with both IVF and pregnancy in general without the use of drugs that might harm the growing fetus.


In Sweden, a 2008 study involving 215 cancer patients proved that acupuncture can eliminate the need for additional drugs and reduce nausea suffered during radiation treatments.


A systematic review and meta-analysis suggested that women undergoing IVF were 65% more likely to become pregnant when they integrated acupuncture into their normal IVF treatments (BMJ, 2008 February). 


In the treatment of insomnia, acupuncture yields significant results with a total effectiveness rate of 90.44%. It also improves the quality of sleep and overcomes complications induced by sleep medications. (Sok, SR,, The effects of acupuncture therapy on insomnia. J Adv Nurs., 2003 Nov; 44(4):375-284 J. Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2002, Dec.: 22(4):276-277.

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